Easy Apache v3.28.4
!! Warning (VZ): You are only only guaranteed 426 Megabytes of ram! 512 Megabytes is recommended. !!
!! Warning (VZ): You are only only guaranteed 28 Megabytes of ram when the system is out of ram! 512 Megabytes is recommended. !!
!! Warning (VZ): You are only only guaranteed 28 Megabytes of ram when the system is out of ram! 512 Megabytes is recommended. !!
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An Error has occurred, please make sure that apache is running and restartable. Feel free to submit a support ticket here.
The entire verbose build output is available in /usr/local/cpanel/logs/easy/apache/build.1426509709
If the server does not have enough memory to run the build via a browser (IE if you get “Out of memory” errors below) then you will have to do the build via command line with /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/easyapache.

An Error has occurred, please make sure that apache is running and restartable. Feel free to submit a support ticket here.
soluçao acessa via ssh e executar /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/easyapache como o propio log diz acima por falta de memoria.